The Anti-Inflammatory Diet: A Key to Eating Well

'You are what you eat' implies that certain foods can be good or bad for you. They are bad if they are inflammatory foods and good if they are not. If you are a doctor who treats inflammatory conditions, like neck pain or low back pain, wouldn't you want your patients to eat foods that help to reduce inflammation as oppose to consuming inflammatory foods? But how can you tell?

What patients eat can affect their outcome. As a Baltimore chiropractor I have found that review of the literature not only reveals the answer but provides the perfect guide to eating well. So, this article begins with the premise that eating certain foods can actually make things hurt worse-increases inflammation-while eating other foods can actually help lessen pain and promote faster healing. These are known as anti-inflammatory foods and they are closely related to competing omega fatty acids. Swelling, redness, heat and pain occur when tissue become inflamed. It may be overt, like a sprained ankle, or hidden beneath the skin, like in your stomach.

So, what foods should or shouldn't be consumed and why? An example of inflammatory foods are those high in refined or hydrogenated vegetable oils, like potato chips and many baked goods. Refined oils and trans fats are used by manufacturers to extend the shelf life of their products. They are notorious preservatives. On the other hand, olive oil, avocado oil and grape seed oil are natural and are known to be anti-inflammatory. Salmon is very high on the list of ant-inflammatory foods.

The reason has to do with the competing omega fatty acids. "A healthy diet contains a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation, and some omega-6 fatty acids tend to promote inflammation. The typical American diet tends to contain 14 - 25 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids," according to an excerpt by the University of Maryland Medical System. Now, red meats, such as a good, juicy steak, are high in omega-6 fatty acids. So, does that make it bad? No! It's extremely good for you. A good steak is loaded with essential amino acids and other nutrients. It's just that the key to improving health and reducing inflammation is to balance the amount of omega-6 (e.g., nuts, eggs, poultry, cream, cheese, butter) against the omega-3 (e.g., salmon, tuna, turkey). The saturated fats contained in omega-6 foods compete with the omega-3 foods for vital digestive enzymes, like seagulls fighting over french fries on the boardwalk.

As a post on the University of Maryland Medical System commented, "Omega-6 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids: They are necessary for human health... Along with omega-3's, omega-6's play a crucial role in brain function as well as normal growth and development." Anti-inflammatory foods include colorful, high fiber vegetables like sweet peppers, celery, raw carrots, onions, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, apples, pears, berries, nuts, grapes, bananas, citrus fruits and so on (omega-3's).

So here's my advice: Limit fatty animal products like red meats and dairy products. Instead, eat more lean cuts of chicken, turkey and fish. Olive oils and avocado can and should replace unhealthy oils from corn, soybeans, safflower, sunflower and other vegetable oils. Sweets should be limited, including all bakery products like cookies, cakes, pies and breads. We all know that our modern diet of processed and fast foods tends to generate inflammation and other evils, like obesity. To counteract bad eating, give close consideration to the competing omega fatty acids.

Here's a suggestion: Quinoa and avocado salad (SERVES 4)


    * 1 cup red quinoa
    * 2 avocados, cut up in pieces
    * A few dried tomatoes
    * 2 fresh basil leaves
    * 1 green onion


    * ½ cup olive oil
    * Juice of 2 lemons
    * 1 garlic clove (minced)
    * Salt
    * Cayenne (very small amount)


    * Rinse quinoa in cold water and drain well
    * In saucepan, bring 2 cups water and ½ tsp. salt to boil. Add quinoa. Cover and reduce heat to low. Cook until water is absorbed (about 20 minutes).
    * In a bowl, mix together the ingredients in cooled quinoa. Toss with dressing.

Things to Eat to Lose Weight - 3 Most Overlooked Foods

You have been working out everyday yet all the excess weight does not seem to come off. It may possibly be that you are not consuming the right stuff. You ought to read (eat) regular meals that are balanced. Furthermore the meals should contain appetite suppressing foods. What is unique about these foods is that they fill you up; make you feel like your stomach is already full. Accordingly, you devour less. However, the good news is that they contain very few calories. In fact there are many things to eat to lose weight, both natural and artificial. But to shed weight and keep it off permanently, it is important that you stick to the natural stuff, like real food.

One of the things to eat to lose weight is apples. You have probably heard that an apple everyday keeps the physician at bay. What's even more exciting is that An apple, or a few, a day also keeps weight at bay. It is possible you always buy apples and place them on the fruit basket for others to eat but have never paid them any attention yourself. Apples unlike other fruits are fiber rich. What is more, they require lots of chewing. The brain takes around twenty minutes to realize that the hunger has been effectively satiated when one is eating. What this means is that if you eat slowly, you will consume less. If you eat apples slowly, you will feel full very fast. This will help to stop you from eating any more food. One final juicy tidbit on applies: Do not forget the goodness of the apples is in the rind. Therefore, wash rather than peel your apples.

Courgettes/zucchinis are other things to eat to lose weight. Just like apples, they are rich in fiber. Additionally, they contain lots of water. This also makes them diuretic, which mean they make you drink you more water. Cooking courgettes is relatively easy. Simply slice them into thin strips, fry them briefly and serve with some tomato sauce. They make a meal that is not only tasty but low in calories. Tofu is yet another of the foods you can eat to lose weight. A good number of people think tofu is for vegetarians only. On the contrary, anyone can eat tofu and it is especially good for those who are looking to lose weight. Tofu is said to contain a peptide, a naturally occurring hormone that is known to suppress one's appetite. In addition, it is rich in proteins. So what's so good about that? Well, Foods rich in protein cause the body to release the that particular peptide hormone. The result is that you feel full much faster and therefore eat less. Pretty cool, eh?

As you can tell, there are a lot of simple and tasty things to eat to lose weight. Just keep in mind that fresh food tastes best ripe from the tree. So those apples? Get them as fresh as you can. In the winter in the north country that may be hard, but once you buy them, don't let them sit 'forever!'

Finally, one of the best ways to eat all these great foods to lose weight is to learn how to cook mouth-watering recipes with them!!