Conceptualizing HCG Diet Protocol

Different techniques, medicines and courses have been developed to help people reduce their weight and in today's world where everyone wants fast results, we cannot deny the results provided by HCG diet. Dr. ATW Simeons is the founder of the HCG diet protocol and he has revealed all the interesting facts and uses in his book "Pounds and Inches". In this book he explains about HCG diet protocol as a whole provides much importance to the proteins as a food source providing few guidelines to regular diets in order to get better results from this diet. He mentioned the role of fruits and vegetables providing fibers and preventing constipation and also advised to stay away from the dairy products like milk and eggs and to avoid any type of massage.

In order to get detailed description of this diet protocol it is better to understand the different phases involved in the same. Initially there are three phases in the whole process of this diet protocol and they are Loading Phase, Maintenance Phase and Stabilization Phase.

Loading Phase

Initial period of 2 days is dedicated to the total HCG weight loss therapy that is also termed as Loading Phase, wherein the user has to eat as much as he/she can containing high calorie food so that he/she can prepare their body for the following low-calorie diet phase. Consumption of 10-15 Oral drops of HCG diet 3 times in a day is recommended, however, 6-10 drops six times in a day will provide better results.

Maintenance Phase

After the initial 2 days of loading phase follows the maintenance phase lasting for about 21 days but depending on requirement users can stretch it to almost 40 days. Main aspect of this phase is introduction of 500-calorie diet or Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD). In this phase, users have to prepare their body with this kind of diet combining it with the 10-15 oral drops of HCG three times a day. This combination helps to burn all the fat reserves in the body by releasing energy in blood stream ranging from 1500-4000 calories. When this additional energy combines with the daily intake of 500-calorie diet it helps in metabolism and melting excessive fat in the body helping to lose weight and making users more slimmer. During this phase users should avoid sugar, starch and fried food products and women can resume the course immediately after the menstruation with VLCD diet.

Stabilization Phase

This is the last phase following after the maintenance phase wherein users can skip the oral drops and shift from VLCD to Controlled diet in moderate restrictions. Avoiding sugar and starch completely is the best way to stabilize the loosened weight accounting for daily intake of 800 calories in women and 1000 calories in men.

In case if users are not satisfied with the results of the diet protocol they can take as many rounds of the protocol as they want by keeping a distance of six weeks between different rounds of HCG diet.