How to Prevent Constipation on the HCG Diet

One of the biggest pet peeves about the HCG Diet is its propensity to "slow" things down in the digestive tract and cause Constipation. But there are ways to avoid this nuisance and assist your body in returning to a normal routine. By making these minor adjustments you can resolve the constipation and succeed in reach your weight loss goals on your diet.

First, let's address why constipation is so common for those on the HCG Diet. The simple reason is that the HCG Diet is very low in fiber carbohydrates typically found in grains. This leads to a slowing down of the bodies natural elimination process and results in mild constipation. In fact it's not uncommon for people to complain about not having a bowel movement for as long as week while doing the HCG Diet. This is a huge concern and must be addressed to allow for proper body function and to minimize the stress placed on the digestive system. Thankfully, the solutions are rather minor and easy to incorporate in your daily routine:

1. Hydration

Staying properly hydrated is an absolute must on the HCG Diet for several reasons. Not only does it help you lose more weight but it also helps in assuring proper elimination. Those on the diet should drink at least two quarts of fluid per day while on the diet. Stick with water and herbal teas and avoid diet drinks as much as possible.

Note: Coffee is controversial in regards to constipation. Some studies shows a cup of coffee in the morning aided in producing a bowel movement and yet others show that caffeine can agitate the intestines and can actually cause constipation.

2. Take a Fiber Supplement

A daily Fiber Supplement can help add back the necessary amounts of fiber your body is lacking during the HCG Diet. Two of the best choices are Glucomannan, which has actually been shown to aid weight loss, and Psyllium Seed Husk. Both of these supplements are readily available at your grocery or health food store and should be taken as directed on the label. One point of caution, avoid products that have added natural laxatives and stick with products that include either of these natural fiber sources exclusively. Taking products that contain herbal laxatives on a daily can be damaging to your digestive system and should be avoided.

3. Herbal Teas

There are several readily available Herbal Teas that can assist with getting things moving again in your digestive track. Teas made with Senna are recommended. Point of caution though, as stated before, try not to use these herbal laxatives on a daily basis for more than a day or two. If you follow the steps above you should be able to minimize the need for actual herbal laxatives and only use them once or twice a week.

These suggestions will help you get back to a healthy routine and should resolve any constipation you are experiencing on the HCG Diet. Stick with it, make the adjustments, and your overall diet experience should improve and help you to reach your weight loss goals.