Ditch Yo-Yo Diets

If you experience weight problems try to avoid fad slimming crazes as yo-yo dieting can be a danger to your health.

Yo-yo dieting is defined as a vicious cycle of regular weight loss and regain which can adversely affect a person's physical and mental well being as a permanent solution to slimming problems always appear out of reach.

Research by Slimming World and YouGov revealed that over 20 per cent of British women had taken part in yo-yo diets at least five times in their life while more than ten per cent had do it at least ten times.

More worryingly, the study discovered that six per cent of UK females had banished the bulge only to see it pile back again over 20 times over the course of their life, which can be mentally crushing.

There has been a significant increase in faddy eating programmes allegedly endorsed by certain celebrities such as the blood type diet, the baby food diet but these must be avoided at all costs.

Such diets that promise rapid weight loss by cutting out specific food groups can never be sustained over a long period of time because feelings of hunger and deprivation will result in people returning to their previous eating habits.

It is important to realise that it is never to late to break a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting because all it takes is increased confidence and support from friends and family to tackle your damaging lifestyle behaviour.

Fad diets might initially achieve success by only allowing miniscule portions or banning specific food groups but eating a healthy, balanced diet will help people realize long-term weight loss.

A diet of high energy foods that are filling such as vegetables, rice and fish will provide long-lasting weight loss results when combined with an active lifestyle which contains regular exercise.

Food such as these are satiating but low in calories so are ideal for people that are starting a weight loss programme and in order to avoid feelings of deprivation they can be supplemented with the occasional treat.

People who feel they need that extra bit of help with losing weight may want to take slimming supplements like fat burners as they are proven to assist weight loss when taken alongside a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

These products work by accelerating metabolism through the elimination of more fat cells at the same time as suppressing appetite and providing an energy boost which encourages exercise.