Prepping For P90X2

Few fitness programs have gained the notoriety and reputation that P90x has through its eight years on the market. The combination of a charismatic trainer and multi-faceted exercise and diet programs have earned the system over a million loyal customers, a number that continues to grow. In the fall of 2011, a second program will be released, promising an extension of the results people enjoyed with the original system. Since a lot has changed in the world of fitness education since 2003, let's take a look at some great ways that people new to extreme home fitness can prepare.

1) The Mind-Body Principle

The days of quick fixes are long gone. The Internet has made more and more quality information available when it comes to health and fitness; this means the onus is on YOU to make the necessary changes in your life. What does change really mean? It means a full commitment from both you body and your mind. This commitment should extend through all areas of your life. If it does, you will enjoy the results in all areas of your life as well -not just on the scale. You will be thinner, fitter and filled with a long-lost vitality you so desperately crave. Achieving fitness WILL make you happy, and your happiness will encourage your continued push towards extreme fitness.

2) Education

It may sound odd, but the road to weight loss starts in your brain. Learning the truth about dieting and weight loss will save you time, money and a ton of unnecessary stress. As we alluded to, there has never been a better time to obtain quality information when it comes to health and fitness; the important thing is to know how to weed out the garbage from the gold.

The truth is that real weight loss and fitness is easy when you have the right information filling your mind. If you've followed previous programs in the past that mandate long arduous workouts, little food and tons of over-processed supplements, chances are you're headed down the wrong track. Real success will last forever if you stick to sensibility: real food, efficient exercise and an affirmative attitude.

3) Knowing Your Current Fitness Level

We all know that after you purchase P90x, you are required to complete a fitness test to determine whether or not you are prepared to take on the vigorous regimen that is one of the world's most popular programs. While this is a fantastic way to gauge your fitness level, there are some other great methods like determining your BMI and body fat percentage. These are indicators that reveal what and how you can expect your body to respond to extreme exercise. It also might help you decipher whether you are ready to take on this project, or may need some more practical preparation.

The industry is full of options that don't work and thankfully this article didn't talk about one of them. If, however, you feel that your personal fitness or your intuitions about food and exercise aren't up to the caliber necessary to complete a program of this magnitude, at least you know now that the tools to prepare and succeed are right at your fingertips.